Sunday, November 8, 2015

Social Media is Not the only source of Customers

This message will break the suggested ways to use social media, based on the 22 Brilliant Social Media Marketing Tip from our Blackboard videos. Number eight - Put information out about your product or services that you can solve for you audience, not about you. The first 10 years, of 13, in operation I never used social media. All contact was face to face, word of mouth, flyers, being involved in community.  Granted my location was my best advertisement. As the market changed I thought we should to. Began by getting a web site and posting ads online. This only really generated contacts by other advertisers or someone wanting to offer/sell me something. The need to monitor who was really wanting our service from those looking to compare us to them was a waste of time.

Some of the ideas expressed in the above mentioned video I have adapted to fit my needs, leaving out the social media part. Gain trust not dollars mentioned in number three is very true. The statement the narrator used was "I'd rather have a thousand people who trust and love me than a million dollars in the bank." I translate to if I take your money I still want to be able to look you in the eyes. You do something in a community good or bad it gets around, quick, and stays. Number seven "show your appreciation." This goes back to treat them right and they will come back. Number twelve, "the medium isn't the message." My medium was personal contact. I lived in the same city, our children went to the same schools, I stood next to you in the grocery lines. They know my name and face, family, can't get more personal than that.

The new ways, using social media, will work for most if not all ventures. But, do not forget the ways that get us to this point. If you happen to have a  place of business be involved with the customer one-on-one.  Treat everyone like you would like to be treated. To this day some 15 years later since we closed, I still have those come up to me and tell me they remember when they came to my place. I get invitations to see them at try-out, graduation, weddings. Proud to say some of the youngster are now adults playing with a professional sports league. You can bet when I open my new business, updated version of old, I will be letting them know, personally.

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