Sunday, November 29, 2015

The True Cost of a Holiday

The expense of Thanksgiving is in more the the money you put out for the meal. Hoping to have a holiday meal with all of my family, especially my adult children who have moved on with their own lives and live in other states, became very expensive.

The cost of much less finding a rental car for my daughter who was in an accident in Virginia heading for home, in Alabama, on Wednesday was impossible and forget the cost of a flight that same day, because of the holiday. And the cost of having to stay in a hotel for just a few hours, gave no discount for 2 hour or 24 same cost. In Virginia they have Uber, the independent taxi service, the only way for them to get back to there home to get their other car, because they did not get the rental car addition on auto insurance, thinking will never need it, paid for a four hour taxi ride to their home, just to get back in a car and head  here for this holiday. 

So, from just our family the unexpected out of state expenses for staying in a hotel, pay for a taxi ride for four hours, update auto insurance adding a car rental extra, which increase the premium as well as an increase due to having a accident. Any thing that happen around a holiday like Thanksgiving puts a higher price on you if you are unfortunately in a accident.

The visit was wonderful but the expense of them getting here just to have a meal was way to costly, for us. But a great boost for the business involved in our circumstance. And we could not even keep the deer that totaled her car.


Sunday, November 22, 2015


Black Friday use to be just that, the Friday after Thanksgiving sales day. Now we have the "Black Friday" month long sales. Are you one of those who jump up from the Thanksgiving day feast and race to a store having a "Pre-Black Friday" sale. Maybe the kind of shopper you are is the ones who get up in the pre- dawn hour to be in line for that item you just have to get, "on sale, this day only."

These days many of the retailers are taking a different approach, not to be open on Thanksgiving day. So there employees can share this day with there family's. I personally think this is a refection on the sales figures they may of had in years past, proving it not profitable to be open. Yes, it is a nice idea to share this holiday with the ones you love, but the all might buck has more power.

In years past I was one of those in the lines waiting for the stores to open, even split up with sisters to hit the most stores possible for the items we all wanted. Used children in strollers to help get through crowds as well as not needing a store buggy for the prizes we sought. Well the lack of control so many have was scary. These are crowds that have no true feeling for the rest of the population. Not to purchase that special item for themselves, the most are looking to but cheap and resale on line, at a personal profit.

I have not done the Thanksgiving day or the real "Black Friday" sales in years. I did benefit from the month long Black Friday sales from the point of good timing. I needed to purchase a TV, son dropped our current set, Sam's was running a special. Our up right freezer, more that 50, yes 50, years old came to its end. Lowe's was running a "Black Friday Month long sale." Why would I turn drown a gift of timing.

So, in the end I will not be one of those waiting in lines, beating a crowd for that great deal. I just lucked into a few deals, because of the marking of "Black Friday sales."

Personally, I like the shop the small business Saturday. This, I think,is a perfect example of a good marking approach.  Find the need and make it work.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Wal-Marts Opened with Good Timing , Did You Go on Opening Day?

The new Walmart on 157, Cullman, opened this past Wednesday, did you go or have you checked it out since then? The time of the year to open a new Walmart is perfect. The marketing department had to be working overtime to have that happen. They opened in November with two of the biggest Holidays, better know as cash cow events, in a calendar year.

One of the largest attraction, to me, is the fact that they are a 24 hour store. I feel sure the area "competition" will suffer. The small town atmosphere has changed forever. No longer do you have to wait for the store to open at 8 or 9 in the morning. You can get your shopping done and be back home before anyone knows you were out. The hotels and local restaurants will be able to take advantage of getting what they have ran short of from there deliveries, serving there customers better. I now this from working at a mom and pop place who would pay what ever the price they had to, because the grocery store was next door, convenience verses common since or bottom line. 

I did visit the new store but only a few days after they opened, curiosity as well as planning, they handed out maps of the lay-out. Knowing the Grand Opening would be a bunch of looky-lous, and the probability of a handy-cap cart being available, for my 74 year old father who lives with me, would be low. We went early on Friday morning, two days later. Parking was still a issue, guess they are working on the flow. Dad got a cart, we got the one thing he was looking for, I picked up stuff I could have waited on, they count on that kind of shopping. Everyone I saw had at least one bag in there hands after checking out. Again, this goes back to the marketing department for the developer, Walmart, the Cullman Chamber of congress. Yes location, location, location is the rules of real estate, but timing is the key in a good marketing plan.

Over all, in my opinion,  a good plan for the owners/investors, marketing department, city planners on opening this type of business where they did. We can already see the results of the expansion of the other business taking advantage of the development. Time will only tell if this was a positive effect for most.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Social Media is Not the only source of Customers

This message will break the suggested ways to use social media, based on the 22 Brilliant Social Media Marketing Tip from our Blackboard videos. Number eight - Put information out about your product or services that you can solve for you audience, not about you. The first 10 years, of 13, in operation I never used social media. All contact was face to face, word of mouth, flyers, being involved in community.  Granted my location was my best advertisement. As the market changed I thought we should to. Began by getting a web site and posting ads online. This only really generated contacts by other advertisers or someone wanting to offer/sell me something. The need to monitor who was really wanting our service from those looking to compare us to them was a waste of time.

Some of the ideas expressed in the above mentioned video I have adapted to fit my needs, leaving out the social media part. Gain trust not dollars mentioned in number three is very true. The statement the narrator used was "I'd rather have a thousand people who trust and love me than a million dollars in the bank." I translate to if I take your money I still want to be able to look you in the eyes. You do something in a community good or bad it gets around, quick, and stays. Number seven "show your appreciation." This goes back to treat them right and they will come back. Number twelve, "the medium isn't the message." My medium was personal contact. I lived in the same city, our children went to the same schools, I stood next to you in the grocery lines. They know my name and face, family, can't get more personal than that.

The new ways, using social media, will work for most if not all ventures. But, do not forget the ways that get us to this point. If you happen to have a  place of business be involved with the customer one-on-one.  Treat everyone like you would like to be treated. To this day some 15 years later since we closed, I still have those come up to me and tell me they remember when they came to my place. I get invitations to see them at try-out, graduation, weddings. Proud to say some of the youngster are now adults playing with a professional sports league. You can bet when I open my new business, updated version of old, I will be letting them know, personally.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Trick-or-Treating has changed so Much.

Most of us have memories of the trick-or-treating we did as kids. In our own neighborhoods with a group of friend and going to houses of people we that know at least one in the group. Even some homes open to show off there decorations. Real costumes not the throw on a rubber masks that are so popular now. The use of old makeup, tissue paper and white glue made for some great creations.

In my parents neighborhood I have watched as car loads of kids, most way over the age of fourteen, come to the door with a pillow case and little attempt at a costume expecting candy. Now you can go from parking lot to parking lot at what is called trunk-or-treat. I understand the safety aspect and the control, but even this is being taken advantage of. I even know of family's not "participating" in Halloween for varies reasons.     

The weather this year on Halloween was really wet. The merchants did not miss out  all the "stuff" had been purchased, candy, decorations, costumes. They had all ready moved on to the next holiday even before Halloween got here. You could get your Christmas tree when you picked up your candy to hand out, but because of the weather most will just eat the candy, which I think happens more than handing it out.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

I have a great idea for a business or do I ?

Years ago I was a customer at a business that I spent what I still think was to much money, it was for the betterment of my child's ability to reach the highest possible talent they had. After all, the other children on our teams were attending something like it, so it had to be the right thing to improve my child's skill, right. I saw so many way that if I were running that type of business that I would do differently and more efficient, to better help the student and still make money. This went on for years and for more than one of my children. Not just for me but for way to many to count other parents.  I did see several of the other players achieve great success in the years to follow, a few are playing at the pro levels, this is a wonderful resource for what I have in mind!

My children are well past using the skills they may or may not of had in that sport. But, my ideas are still just as valid. My sons even did some of the instructing and got paid, well, at the facility they once went to as a student.

I have visited some of the areas local business that offer "something like" what I have in mind. Hard say they would be competition. So, if I can offer a better option than what in currently available and  do what I think/know is a better job at the service and still make a profit, as well as really enjoy the opportunity, is this a great idea or just an improvement on an old one? Based on my research many profitable companies have come from this very approach. So, I do have a great idea for my business and am willing to prove my hunch, It might really work!

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Publix comes to Town

The Publix grocery store opened in Cullman Alabama this past week.  Personally I am looking forward to the options of shopping at a larger chair grocery store. I moved a few years ago from a much larger community than I currently live. I use to be able to choose from several main chair stores, which I now see I took for granted. The choices I now have are are limited and the selection of items are also limited. If I have to drive twenty to thirty minutes anyway to get a wider variety adding a store like Publix to the list is a welcome sight. I do enjoy the Mom & Pop or independent style shops, but the options that a larger chain store offers are hard to resist.  Hate the crowds and the parking issues. I also do tend to spend more on unnecessary "deals". I will still shop my local store, but will now make a special trip to get the selection I miss. 

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Dead celebrities who still "earn" money

No matter your generation these names of celebrities who are still earning money, and probably always will, even though they are no longer alive I think we all will recognize these names: Albert Einstein, Elizabeth Taylor, Marilyn Monroe and Micheal Jackson. Each of these names will be recalled by someone for different memorable moments they contributed while they were alive.  

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Physical Books or E-Books is the Cost Justified

I have been at Wallace State Community College for less than three years, a first time college student. I currently have a large stack of books I HAD to have to complete my different course,  for in class and online classes. Some I have held on too because of the classes to follow I could use as reference. I am awaiting the school buy back to return to the shelf the books I will no longer need, planning to graduate in the spring. As, we all know the books cost was high and the sell back price will be low. But, my spouse decided to began his college career, after me, with a school that is 100% online, only E Book. He will complete a degree before me and have NO physical book for reference or to sell back. The real thought is this my total college cost is a quarter the cost on his. I will sell back my books for some refund. He will get a degree before me, but owe some much more. SO, I pay less tuition, pay for book which I might can sell back, get done later. He started later and gets done sooner, also never had a physical book so no sell backs. But pays so much more.  We both get our degrees, right? Which is the better way?

Sunday, September 27, 2015

The Persons who Cornered the market on "THEMED" Partys for Children was a Genius

What ever happened to the time when a child's birthday was celebrated with a cake made from a tin foil shaped number, at least that is what my mother did and we all thought it was great. You came to this party of close friend and family. Gave a gift, eat cake and ice cream, the kids played for about an hour then you went home. Well now there are themes that cost way to much money and time. Example - Keep in mind this party I am about to describe in for a ONE YEAR old, given for my own grandchild by other set of grandparents. Princess theme- to attend everyone adults and children alike to be able to "enter" this party the Ladys must wear a prom or princess like dress which must be include a crown/tiara, gentlemen have to wear a green shirt and brown pants. To represent the princess and the frog. All received a small gift upon arrival which had a wand for the girls with bracelet that had the birthday girls name in it and the boys got a stick on wort's, both included candy and glitter. I did not know there were so many decorations for such a theme, stickers, posters, wood cut outs, table covers, cups, plates, hanging stuff etc.. After several games like making frog sandwiches, amazing what bologna and cheese can turn in to with purchased shape cutters, or what I remember as duck duck goose is now princess princess frog (was funny seeing these children bop each other on the head with our new wands). What really amazed me was this party was for adults as well, alcohol was available, Four hours later we all left with a parting thank you gifts. Thousands were spent, which included the rental of the party givers Cinderella dress, not the child the other grandmother. I so love my grand child and hope to not set off a huge debate but she will not remember this, but the friends and family who attended was the real reason for this SHOW. What will her other birthdays parties be like? Yes, I had a simple, low key gathering to remember her day, I have a photo of her and I wearing our tiaras at my party but we are in the yard with the hose trying to clean off cake on our face and ice cream running down our arms. Priceless!

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Advertisments You Remember Good or Bad

Currently there are a few commercials currently running that I want to comment on. I really like the commercial that has the white SLEEP cat and the black WAKE dog.  I have trouble recalling the product name, not a good sign. But, the commercials I can recall by brand name are the ones that are bugging the crap out of me because they freeze up my television. I have contacted the company that provides my service and I get "we are aware of this issue and are trying to result it". Mean while I still have to put up with the same two ads that no matter what channel I have when they are aired my television is locked. I have to turn off the TV and turn back on and change the channel just to break the connection. SO, If I tell you the ads are for American Express and Carnival Cruse Line, these names I remember but not in a good light. Did the Ads work? 

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Would This Sign Make You Want to Stop?

I saw this newly opened BBQ spot sign in my own community.
The family that opened this business actually has a great story
as to why and how they now have this restaurant. At first I
thought it was temporary, like the real sign was not ready before
they opened. But, It has been there for weeks. The food is good,
the owners are very nice hard working people. I know that the
soda company's offer bigger, clear and bold print signs at little
or no cost if you are offering their product. Even if your sign is
handmade  I would make it more whimsical or at least change
it out after it rains.   
 Displaying IMG_0651.JPG

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Loft Living

I never would have thought, for me, that loft living would be an ideal type of living environment, for a person I know this was perfect. While I was working for a small bagel shop in Madison, Al. I had a costumer I saw at least four of the six days we were open. Know him by first name as well as by the same items he would order, always the same. He was one of the first to move into a "loft space" in  the developing markets in Huntsville, Providence. He told of his building having "it All". The maid lived downstairs. A barber shop on the corner. A independent grocery that delivered. Designated privet parking if you had a car. Just about anything a resident could want was at hand. But not a fresh bagel shop, which he missed from living in New York. That is why I saw him as often as I did. I guess once a bagel shop opens in his community in Providence I would not see him again. Note: The bagel shop as since closed, I really hope they get a bagel shop for him, he was a very nice person.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Little League World Series

Got caught up watching the LLWS this weekend. I remember the years past when my child was working toward that goal. But, this time spent watching the series was not  wasted. I was doing research on the different areas of the sport and all the way a person could direct a business. Not wanting to go in to details of my direction for my business, it just confirmed for me, that my ideas could be profitable!

Monday, August 17, 2015

Learning from Others Mistakes

During my life I have been employed with several types of employers. Major chains, privet owners, independent contractor even been a small business owner myself. Through all the employments I saw many types of management skills or lack of skill. Not sure how this reflects on me, but 4 out of the 6 business I have worked with over the last ten years time,  in the last 5 years have closed. 

My hope is to take all that I have learned in the "real world" and the new information I am acquiring through my degree plan and put them to good use in my own new business.