Sunday, November 29, 2015

The True Cost of a Holiday

The expense of Thanksgiving is in more the the money you put out for the meal. Hoping to have a holiday meal with all of my family, especially my adult children who have moved on with their own lives and live in other states, became very expensive.

The cost of much less finding a rental car for my daughter who was in an accident in Virginia heading for home, in Alabama, on Wednesday was impossible and forget the cost of a flight that same day, because of the holiday. And the cost of having to stay in a hotel for just a few hours, gave no discount for 2 hour or 24 same cost. In Virginia they have Uber, the independent taxi service, the only way for them to get back to there home to get their other car, because they did not get the rental car addition on auto insurance, thinking will never need it, paid for a four hour taxi ride to their home, just to get back in a car and head  here for this holiday. 

So, from just our family the unexpected out of state expenses for staying in a hotel, pay for a taxi ride for four hours, update auto insurance adding a car rental extra, which increase the premium as well as an increase due to having a accident. Any thing that happen around a holiday like Thanksgiving puts a higher price on you if you are unfortunately in a accident.

The visit was wonderful but the expense of them getting here just to have a meal was way to costly, for us. But a great boost for the business involved in our circumstance. And we could not even keep the deer that totaled her car.


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